Ćao svima!
Danas ću da vam predstavim neke od mojih ciljeva. Pisala sam već da volim sebi da zadajem neke ciljeve koji su ostvarljiviji. To sam i uradila. Ali, imam i neke ciljeve koji su mi konačni ciljevi tj stvari koje bih jednom volela da radim i kakva zapravo želim da budem.
Moji bliži, ostvarljiviji ciljevi su da imam manje od 70kg, da krenem da trčim i da pijem manje Koka-Kole.
Za prvi cilj mislim da neće biti nikakvih problema, dokle god idem dalje sa ovom dijetom. Ni Koka-Kola nije preveliki problem. Jesam, pila sam je previše, ali u poslednjih deset dana sam je mnogo smanjila, popila sam možda jednu čašu za deset dana. Trčanje je jedan od problema, jer ne mogu da pronađem vremena i za to, pored škole, časova gitare, glume i ostalih aktivnosti. Mislim da bi bilo savršeno kada bih ranije odlazila u krevet, s tim se i ranije budila i odmah ujutru odlazila na trčanje koje bi trajalo za početak dvadesetak minuta. To mi je najveći izazov i ne znam ni kada ću početi sa trčanjem, ali to je deo mojih bližih, ostvarljivijih ciljeva.
U one dalje ciljeve, teže za ostvarivanje i one ka kojima težim spada to da želim da imam 60kg, da budem redovan član teretane i da se hranim zdravije.
Na 60kg neću moći da dođem do završetka dijete, prosto nije moguće da smršam toliko za manje od dva meseca. Ali ako nastavim zdravo da se hranim posle dijete i da posećujem teretanu to bih mogla da ostvarim. Tako da ovi ciljevi zajedno funkcionišu tj ne mogu da ostvarim jedan bez drugog i to bi mi postao način života, tako da ka tome težim najviše od svega.
Pozdrav za sve! :)
Hey everyone,
Today I’m going to present to you some of my goals. I’ve already written about how I like to set myself goals that are more achievable. That’s what I did. But, I also have some end goals, that is, things I would like to do in the future, and who I actually want to be.
My closer, more achievable goals are to weigh less than 70kg, to start running, and to drink less Coca-Cola.
For the first goal, I don’t think there will be any problems, as long as I continue with this diet. Coca-Cola is also not that big of a problem. I did drink it too much, but in the last ten days, I’ve really cut down on my Coca-Cola intake. I drank maybe one glass in these ten days. Running is one of the problems, because I just can’t seem to find time for it, next to school, guitar lessons, acting lessons, and other activities. I think it would be perfect if I went to bed earlier, I could wake up earlier and immediately go running, which would, for starters, last 20 minutes. That’s my biggest challenge, and I don’t know when I will start running, but that is still part of my more achievable goals.
My end goals, the ones that will be harder to achieve, the ones I strive towards are to weigh 60kg, to be a regular member of the gym and to eat healthier.
I won’t be able to weigh 60kg until the end of the diet, it’s simply impossible to lose that much weight in less than two months. But if I continue to eat healthy even after the diet is over, and if I visit the gym regularly I could achieve it. So all in all, every one of these goals work together, which means I can’t achieve one without the other, and that would become my way of life, so that is what I strive towards the most.
Bye everyone!