Danas i juče je bio haos što se tiče hrane i kontrolisanja sebe.
Kao što znate, ako ste čitali moje postove, mojoj mami je u sredu bio rođendan, a juče smo je sestra i ja odvele u Narodno pozorište. Juče mi je bio proteinski dan, tako da sam za ručak spremila meso sa paprikom, alevom paprikom, feferonima, paradajzom... Bilo je preukusno! Nakon toga sam otišla do Kneza sa sestrom i mamom i tu smo provele par sati i onda smo otišle u KFC! Naravno, tamo je sve preukusno, ali ja sam morala da izaberem nešto sa malo testa i puno mesa. Hvala Bogu, u ponudi imaju neki sendvič u jako tankoj, reš-pečenoj tortilji sa puno mesa i malo nekog ljutkastog sosa. Tako da sam to pojela za večeru, dok su se mama i sestra davile i u pomfritu i u soku i u sendvičima, salatama itd. Čudno je to koliko one puno jedu, a jako su mršave. Posle KFC-a smo odgledale divnu predstavu Staklena menažerija, moja iskrena preporuka za sve koji vole pozorište. Došla sam kući oko 12h i odmah zaspala.
A danas sam morala da pravim cheesecake, jer je mama odlučila da sutra pozove par prijateljica povodom rođendana. Sutra mi je dan ugljenih hidrata, tako da ću za večeru moći da pojedem jedno parče. Ali, danas je bilo užasno teško da sat i po pravim čizkejk, a ne mogu ni malo da probam. Pa, valjda se tako vežba izdržljivost!
Today and yesterday, as far as food and controlling myself is concerned, was a total mess.
As you probably know, if you read my posts, my mom’s birthday was on Wednesday, and yesterday my sister and I took her to the national theatre. Yesterday was also protein day, so, for lunch, I prepared meat with peppers, grounded paprika, chilli peppers, tomatoes… It was delicious! After that I went to the Republic Square with my sister and mom, and we stayed there for a couple of hours, and then we went to KFC! Of course everything there is delicious, but I had to choose something with little dough and lots of meat. Thank God they had a sandwich in a really thin, well-done tortilla with lots of meat and a little bit of some hot sauce. So that was my dinner, while my mom and sister were drowning in french fries, soda, sandwiches, salads etc. It’s weird how much they eat, and yet are very skinny. After KFC we watched a lovely play by the name of “The Glass Menagerie”, I strongly recommend it to anyone who likes the theatre. I came home at about 12 PM and went straight to bed.
Today I had to make a cheesecake, because my mom decided to call a couple of friends over tomorrow, regarding her birthday. Tomorrow is carb day, which means I will be able to eat one slice of it for dinner. However, making a cheesecake and not being able to taste it was extremely hard. Well I guess that’s how you practise endurance!
Ako si uslepa da izdržiš a da ne oližeš kašike, to je plus više, ja nikad nisam umela da odbijem, jer je to po meni najslađi deo. :D
Ah, i meni je to najslađe, ali eto, izdržah nekako :)
ОдговориИзбришиPogledaj molim te. I uclani se ukoliko ti nije tesko.XD
Pogledaću :)
ИзбришиHope your mum had a great birthday! :*)
She had. :)
ИзбришиNikad nisam uspela da drzim dijete....svaka cast...
ОдговориИзбришиP.S Hvala na divnom komentaru na mom blogu...novi post je live +nagradjivanje...
Hvala ti!
ИзбришиI nema na čemu :)
congratulations! And indeed it looks a bit like german, but we blog in Dutch! It's the little country next to Germany.
ОдговориИзбришиit takes 2 to fashion
Thank you.
ИзбришиAnd thanks for this language answer. :)